Sudbury District Nurse Practitioner Clinics

Sun Safety

As the days are getting longer and we are outside more, it is once again time to think about sun safety.  Protecting your skin and your eyes can reduce your risk of skin cancer, eye damage and premature aging. 

1. Spend less time in the sun between 11am - 4pm, when the sun is strongest.
2. Wear Sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection.
3. Use sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection, SPF 30 or higher.  For sunscreen to do its job it needs to be applied every 2 hours.
4. Consider covering up with long shirts and hats.

Tanning Under Lights

Tanning salons have become popular.  With their rise in popularity comes a number of myths.

Myth One: They are the safer way to tan.
Truth: There is no safe way to tan.  Tanning under lights carries the same risk for skin cancer, premature aging, and eye disease.  Sometimes, more risk as the UV rays are stronger.

Myth Two:  Getting a tan before you go South in the winter will protect your skin.
Truth:  A tan will not protect your skin.  Sunscreen SPF 30 or greater will protect your skin.

Consider feeling good about your real skin colour!

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