Sudbury District Nurse Practitioner Clinics


pdf PRA Evaluation - Final Evaluation Report of SDNPC funded by MOHLTC

pdf Alba Dicenso and Roy Wyman Report on SDNPC

Abstract – An Exploration of Patient Satisfaction in a Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic

A unique and innovative model of primary health care (PHC) delivery began at the Sudbury District Nurse Practitioner Clinics (SDNPC) in 2007. Significant growth and development has taken place since the opening of this new model of PHC delivery. Now that SDNPC is operating at full capacity, an evaluation was warranted of patient experiences with clinic services and the level of overall patient satisfaction. A survey of clinic patients was conducted in the spring of 2011. Results demonstrated high satisfaction with clinic services. Some areas were identified for review, including the level of accessibility to same-day appointments and rationale for patient use of walk-in clinics and emergency department care. One of the strengths and benefits of this model of N P care was demonstrated in this evaluation, whereby a majority of patients identified that they had received counselling about a lifestyle issue and, of those patients, most reported a resulting positive health-related behavioural change. Ongoing comprehensive evaluation is important to ensure that services are efficient and directed to optimal patient health outcomes. The complete article can be retrieved at:
Heale, R., & Pilon, R. (2012). An Exploration of Patient Satisfaction in a Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic. Nursing Leadership, 25(3), 43-55.


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