SDNPC is monitoring the COVID-19 situation and following provincial recommendations. We know that medical services are a necessary part of remaining safe and healthy. We are offering phone and virtual visits where possible and in-office appointments if needed. We screen everyone who accesses our clinics for COVID-19 and if you screen positive, we will tell you what to do next. We want you to know that that your health is still our priority during this time. Stay safe!

Sudbury District Nurse Practitioner Clinics


Update - March 2022

When we first learned about the covid virus, we hoped it would be short lived and we could soon return to our “normal” way of living. Almost two years later, we are still here. However, we are closer to a “new normal” that brings reconnecting with people and our past ways of doing things. Here are some ideas to make sure we keep coping to begin to recover.

Dear Patients,


2020 brought fear and change, but there is hope for this new year with the Covid vaccines that are on the way, there is hope for 2021.. The government and Public Health Sudbury and Districts have developed a roll out plan, with the first vaccines going to those who are higher-risk and health care workers. While we do not know when everyone will have access, we will let you know as soon as we know.

We wanted to answer some questions that have come up recently.

1.How did the vaccine get here so fast?

The vaccines were developed so fast because it was a top priority for everyone. The scientific world cooperated in ways they had not before with billions of dollars going towards research for this life saving work.

2.What is mRNA?

mRNA has been used for cancer treatments for more than 30 years. This is the first vaccine made using mRNA. mRNA vaccines cannot give someone COVID-19 and they do not use the live virus that causes COVID-19. They also do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way.

3.Does it work?

Millions of people have been vaccinated worldwide. Very few people got COVID-19 within 12 days of getting the first dose of the vaccine.

4.What if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Pregnant and breastfeeding people were not included in trials for the current vaccines. mRNA vaccines are not expected to be a risk to breastfeeding babies. You should discuss the risks and benefits of the vaccine with your usnurse practitioner to help you make an informed decision. 

5.What if I have allergies?

People who have ever had a severe allergic reaction to an mRNA vaccine or any of the ingredients in the vaccine should not receive it. You should discuss any allergies with your usnurse practitioner to help you make an informed decision.

6.I have an autoimmune condition / I’m immunocompromised

We will discuss the benefits and risks of vaccination given your particular situation and come to a decision together. People with these conditions were not included in vaccine trials, but vaccination may be a good idea for you to reduce your risk.

Throughout this pandemic, our doors have stayed open, either by phone, video or in person. We thank you for your understanding as we continue to support you in these difficult times. 

Thank you for what you have done to keep yourselves, your loved ones, and your communities safe. Thank you to frontline workers who have continued to provide services that we need.

We look forward to when the vaccine allows us to return to a more connected life. Until then, wear a mask, keep your distance, and wash your hands. Most of all, be calm, be safe and be kind.




All of us at the Sudbury District Nurse Practitioner Clinics


Strategies for a Pandemic

For information on COVID-19 please visit the links below

Public Health Sudbury & Districts information page

World Health Organization information page

COVID-19 self-assessment


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